[Last update: 2006/03/01] -= INTRO=- This top level projects: - pjlib: portability and basic framework library - pjlib-util: lexical scanner, XML, STUN, MD5, etc. - pjmedia: media framework and codecs - pjsip: SIP stacks (core, UA layer, SIMPLE, etc.) - pjsip-apps: SIP apps (pjsua, pjsip-perf) -= OBJECTIVE =- Currently we only have two working applications: - pjsua: Console based SIP UA - pjsip-perf: SIP performance measurement -= COMPILING =- On Windows: - Open pjsip-apps/build/pjsip_apps.dsw - Build pjsua and pjsip_perf project With Makefile: - on top level dir (e.g. ~/pjproject) - ./configure && make dep && make clean && make Binaries will be in pjsip-apps/bin. -= PORTING =- - Just need to port pjlib. - PJLIB doc has detailed info how to do this. - Must pass pjlib-test!