Configuring the Build System Update: 04 May 2006 1. Overview The "configure" script in pjproject root directory is not an autoconf script, but it's just a custom script to generate "build.mak" for the build system. The "build.mak" file declares the following global Makefile variables: MACHINE_NAME The processor and hardware platform of the target. For each MACHINE_NAME, there must be matching "m-*.mak" entry in "build/" subdirectory. For example, when MACHINE_NAME is declared as "i386", then there must be "m-i386.mak" file in "build/" subdirectory. OS_NAME Operating system name, determines which "os-*.mak" in "build/" dir to use. HOST_NAME Build host name, determines which "host-*.mak" to use. CC_NAME Compiler name, determines which "cc-*.mak" to use. TARGET_NAME Determines suffix to be added to output files (for example, "libpjsip-i386-linux-gcc.a"). The value normally is equal to $(MACHINE_NAME)-$(OS_NAME)-$(CC_NAME), but it can contain any value. CROSS_COMPILE Determine the prefix to be applied when invoking build tools (for example, "powerpc-rtems-"). The default is empty. At present, the configure script CAN NOT be used for configuring cross compilation. For cross compiling, you must create the "build.mak" file manually. 2. Supported Hosts and Targets The number of supported hosts and targets will (hopefully) increase over time. See "build/" subdirectory for list of supported machines, OSes, hosts, and compilers.